Winx believix

Winx believix

Roxy believix

Roxy believix

Baietii de la fantana rosie/Red fountain boys

Baietii de la fantana rosie/Red fountain boys



The pixies

The pixies















duminică, 7 februarie 2010

Pop Pixies Opening

Pop Pixies

Pop pixies
Sunt sigura ca toti stiti de "pixies",micile zane din serialul TV Winx Club,care apar in seria a 2-a.Ei bine, zanutele vor avea propriul lor show TV:Pop pixies.In acest serial apar noi zane(nu stiu exact cum se numesc),dar din pacate Digit nu va aparea in acest Show TV.Acestea vor avea propriile lor transformatii,ca si Winx Club,si mai nou,"Pixies" canta mai tot timpul cantecele lor favorite:).Toti copii adora desenele animate chibi,ca acesta.Ai grija,Tinker Bell,se pare ca vei avea competitie .

sâmbătă, 6 februarie 2010

Winx Roxy

Roxy (Winx Club)

Salvaţi acum
Princess Roxy
Voiced by Debora Magnaghi (Italian)
Associated Pixie: none
Age at first appearance: 19
Birthday: June 9
Origin: Planet Earth
Affiliation: Winx Club
Powers and abilities Control over Animals
First appearance: "L´ultima Fata della Terra" (The Last Fairy on Earth)

Roxy is a fictional character in the Winx Club animated series. Her first appearance was in the third episode of the fourth season, "L´ultima Fata della Terra" (The Last Fairy on Earth). She is the last fairy on Earth.



Personality Profile

Roxy is the newest fairy of the Winx Club. She is the last terrestrial fairy whom all villains of the magic dimension pursue, in order to imprison. The Winx fairies' newest mission is to protect Roxy from the evil circle of warlocks who are after her. She also lives in Gardenia, just like Bloom, and this makes the two quite close. The Winx girls noticed her in the coolest bar in town-and got to befriend with her later in the series-where her father and herself work: The Frutti Music Bar. As the Fairy of Animals, she owns a pet dog, Artù, whom she loves very much, and despises anyone who tries to hurt him.

Roxy is usually very upbeat and cheerful, caring a great deal for animals to the point of making her own secret shelter for them in the local park. She's very brave, although she didn't think she was at first, but isn't afraid of confronting enemies that are stronger than her (willing to fight the Wizards even before she could transform). However, she can also get a confrontational attitude whenever she's angry or feels threatened, sticking up for herself when others put her down. Still, despite her strong emotional front and her tomboy demeanor, Roxy is prone to tears if she is too confused or feels like she messed up badly, such as when she was first targeted by the Wizards; her shock over discovering that she was a magical being and the confusion of what was happening was too much for her and she began to cry. She is very stubborn and that almost kills/injures the winx because she won't do what they say.

In Episode 14, she even voiced how she didn't feel like she could ever be a fairy because of this tendency, but soon proves herself and gets a confidence boost.

In Episode 25, she discovers that her mother is Morgana, the Queen of Earth Fairies, thus making her the princess of Tir Nan Og.


[1]Roxy has waist-length, mauve hair with amber tips and eyes of arbitrarily interchanging mauve and amber color. She has a green, long-sleeve top with a pink shirt over it, which has a blue paw print in front. Her jeans are knee-length with a chain hanging off and she also wears pink and white laced-up boots. She also gets a secondary outfit with different jeans and a closed denim vest over her usual shirt.

[2] Roxy's Believix outfit consists of a sparkling green top that has two pale lavender straps holding it over her right shoulder, a green glove on her right arm, green shorts with a lime green belt that sports a heart buckle and ruffles hanging off. Her hair goes past her rear and she also wears a pair of high-heeled platform boots, colored pale blue heels. Her wings are heart-shaped, mainly green and hot pink with pink swirls and green paw marks (possibly referring to her animal-based powers). However, in the cartoon, the paw prints are not there. Instead, a pair of ovals with swirls in them (resembling butterflies) are at the top of her upper wings.

Because Roxy's Believix is incomplete, she is unable to use Speedix, Zoomix, Tracix, Sophiex or Lovix.


Roxy is good friends with each member of the Winx, but has the closest relationship with Bloom, as the two have the very similar backgrounds. Both girls were thrust into the world of fairies after growing up, believing they were normal teenage girls. Roxy, however, has far more trouble dealing with finding out the truth about her being a fairy then Bloom did. Also, unlike Bloom, Roxy was born on Earth. Unsure of herself and how to use her powers sometimes, she usually goes to Bloom for advice. She also helps Bloom in some instances too. Helping her and the Winx realize that in order to gain power with their Believix, they had to connect to people's hearts to get them to believe in fairies.

Magical Abilities

Roxy is from Planet Earth, the last terrestrial fairy, for that matter. She has power over animals. She is vicarious towards animals, possessing a form of empathy towards them, and can calm them if they're disturbed, hurt, amok, or escape docility. She has the power to speak to them telepathically and can even summon them in that sense, even retracing their steps taken if they've run away. She can also grant them the ability to speak like humans. She's also been shown to lend magical strength to them, as she did to Artu in Season 4's episode 7, allowing him to break free of the Dark Wizards and enter their barrier to return to her side. Once, she even released a flock of magical blue-green butterflies to stun the Wizards when they barged into her house. She can also shrink animals, such as in Season 4's episode 18, she downsized a giant spider to the size of a regular one.

Attacks (so far)

  • Enchanted Mantle- A generic shield colored green. Practical, functional.
  • Wolf Claw- A burst of power in the shape of a wolf.
  • Wild Heartbeat- A beam of energy that tames animals.
  • Basic Beam- A basic power beam colored apple green.
  • Scorpion Tail- An attack she used in episode 25 of season 4; forms a hooked stinger to swipe enemy weapons away.

Because her magic centers around animals, she doesn't use her powers as much as the other girls in battle, if only because she's inexperienced. Also, despite having her Believix, Roxy can't activate the different wings and has to rely on Bloom to help her, though this could very well be because of the way she gained her Believix; like Bloom with her Enchantix, initially, it could be because her Believix is incomplete, though it's just a theory.

Roxy can also control the White Circle, but it takes some time, mostly because she's too afraid to use it after a fairy named Nebula uses the Circle to take possession of her body. She eventually overcomes this fear and uses the Circle to help her amplify her powers and is later able to open the portal to Tir Na Nog, which lies inside of it.

Transformation Sequences

Roxy's transformation sequence is short and undetailed, compared to the other Winx girls, similar to Musa. First, the screen flashes and a close-up of Roxy smiling at the camera is seen. Then, as the camera pulls back, she is floating in a sea of pink butterflies, which slot in her outfit. She executes multiple forward flips, dancing gracefully among the pink veil of butterflies, which boosts her out of camera frame and forms her wings. She twirls around once, revealing her new look, and strikes her final pose with one hand on her hip.

Winx Club

Winx Club

Winx Club, seria creată de italianul Igino Strafari, este povestea tinerei Bloom, care într-o zi ajunge să fie invitată de prietena ei, Stella, la un colegiu numit ,,Alfea" ce se ocupă cu pregătirea fetelor care au o adevărată înclinatie spre magie. Acolo descoperă o lume nouă şi află ceva uimitor, că ea posedă o putere grozavă, numită Dragon Flame (în română, Dragonul de Foc), care o poate face cea mai puternică zână. Însă, şi Stella are un har, puterea Soarelui şi a Lunii. Astfel, cele două îşi unesc puterile pentru a deveni cele mai populare fete din tot colegiul. După o vreme, grupului lor se va alătura şi regina Limpheei (care are 16 ani, dar a dobândit acest rol deoarece părinţii ei au fost ucişi), Flora, ce poate controla natura. Cele trei o cunosc şi pe Musa,pe Tecna şi Layla. Ele vor deveni cele mai bune prietene şi vor scăpa colegiul de ameninţarea vrăjitoarelor cele rele, care au fost izgonite deoarece erau puse numai pe fapte rele.Ele vor fi ajutate de prietenii lor,precum si de profesori.In sezonul 4 o vor intalni pe Roxy(aceasta este ultima zana de pe pamant)


  • Bloom: Lidera grupului, este sensibilă. În cel mai mare secret, îşi ascunde sentimentele, iar când vrea, declanşează puteri nebănuite. ☼ ♥
  • Stella: Este la modă, foarte încrezătoare în propriile forţe şi prepară multe poţiuni.♦
  • Flora:extrem de matură şi emotivă, vrea mereu să pară cu zâmbetul pe buze.◊ ☼ ♣
  • Musa: mereu trăieşte clipa şi dansează după muzica sufletului.♪ ♫
  • Tecna: Zâna tehnologiei, este rece şi distantă, documentată, mereu misterioasă, iar prezenţa ei este cu adevărat puternică, reuşind să se afirme întotdeauna prin personalitatea ei puternică.

  • Layla:Este inventivă şi creativă.Este sportiva.♥♥
  • Roxy:Este zana animalelor,prietenoasa si emotiva♠♥
  • Sky:Tanarul print al Eraklionului.acesta are o relatie cu Bloom.
  • Brandon:Este ajutorul printului Sky.Identitatea lui se dezvaluie spre sfarsitul sezonului 1,deoarece el si Sky si-au schmbat rolurile.Brandon are o relatie cu Stella.
  • Helia:Nepotul lui Saladin.Apare in sezonul 2 legand astfel o relatie cu Flora.
  • Timmy:Un tanar pasionat de tehnologie.Are o relatie cu Tecna.
  • Riven:Un tip ciudat,inchis,dar cu o mare simpatie fata de Musa.
  • Nabu/Ophier:Apare in sezonul 3 salvand-o pe Layla de furia lui Valtor.Nabu se sacrifica si moare pentru a salva zandele de pe pamant(sezonul 4)de furia Vrajitorilor Cerului Negru.
  • Andy:Apare in sezonul 4,ca fiind fostul prieten al lui Bloom din scoala generala.
  • Kiko:Este iepurasul lui Bloom.Cand este speriat poate chiar sa zboare cu urechiusele lungi.
  • Artu:Este cainele lui Roxy.Este un animal ascultator si devotat stapanei.
  • Regina Morgana:Este regina zanelor de pe pamant si mama lui Roxy.

Tot in sezonul 4 apar si niste animalute fermecate:Bloom-Belle(o oita),Stella-Ginger(un catelus),Musa-Pepe(un ursulet),Layla-Mily(un iepuras),Tecna-chiko(o ratusca),Flora-Cocoa(o pisicuta),Roxy-Mary(un leu mititel) Bloom are o relatie cu Sky♥ Stella are o relatie cu Brandon♥ Muza are o relatie cu Riven♥ Tecna are o relatie cu Timmi♥ Layla are o relatie cu Nabu♥ Flora are o relatie cu Helia♥

Winx believix english